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ChanlHealth’s Update on Reimbursement for Home-based Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Sessions - What You Need to Know

The following is sponsored content from Chanl Health

AACVPR released a statement for members on August 12th sharing recent CMS updates on reimbursement of home-based cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation (CPR) sessions, both during and after the Public Health Emergency (PHE). 

Since the start of the PHE, many CPR programs across the country have rapidly added a home-based option to their CPR services, allowing their patients to receive the care they need while reducing risk of exposure to the virus. Many patients who would not attend onsite sessions are now getting access to high-quality CPR remotely, and programs have been able to get up and running with a home-based option in a matter of weeks.

Prior to the PHE, CMS has not provided reimbursement for home-based CPR sessions. However, in response to the PHE, CMS has added many temporary policies and regulatory revisions which expand the use of telehealth services and technology to better address patient needs during the pandemic. Through Chanl Health interactions, we have encountered some cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation programs across the country that feel comfortable, through these expansions, billing home-based rehabilitation sessions under CPT 93797 and G0424, significantly increasing their revenue while onsite programs are at limited capacity. Not all programs are able to utilize this reimbursement, so it is imperative that you check with your compliance for approval.

What should I do?

In alignment with the AACVPR August 12th communication, Chanl Health presented a webinar on home-based rehabilitation reimbursement to sort through the confusing policy updates, and has made the recording of the webinar available for all to view. For programs who want to pursue reimbursement at their organization and would like to reach out to their Compliance Department for approval, Chanl has created a “Compliance Info Sheet” that you can directly share with your compliance group.

You can access those resources at the link below, or for further information reach out to Barbra Fagan at

Chanl Health resources:
